Recent Topics
Clone/Duplicate record feature
In many sections (Task, operations, inventory, etcc..) may be usefull have the option to duplicate a record. Example, If I have two heads and I want do the same task in both heads I could duplicate the record and make small changes in the copy.
Can I have multiple synced tasks per inventory item ?
Hi, I am trialling the software, and I have a question. The system only allows me to have one synced task per inventory item. How should I handle situations, where there should be multiple tasks per inventory item. eg. the water boiler, in the spring
TheBoatApp Mobile v3 is Released!
Ahoy fellow Sailors, I always like to start our newsletter on a sailing-note and then dive a bit deeper to the technology part. Having said so, we are experiencing changes all around us. I don’t refer to the US elections monopolising lately the news,
Navionics / Boating App / GPX Trip Import
Hey everyone! I'm really enjoying the app. It's amazing to have everything in one place! Do you have a trip import feature I'm missing or on the road map to support importing trips via a .gpx file? Navionics Trips Example
FLY to Exotic Destination Vs. SAIL with Friends/Family
Summer is practically here and I look forward to some great sailing ahead! What are your plans and cruising destinations for this summer? I have friends flying over to exotic destinations and fancy 5-star resorts all over the world but I will take a sailboat
Summertime Boating and our News!
Ahoy fellow sailors, June is here (…quite rainy in England!) and I look forward to a great sailing summer ahead! What are your plans and cruising destinations for this summer? I have friends flying over to exotic destinations and fancy 5-star resorts
Is there a convenient way to see what work has been done on an inventory item
Hi, What is the best way to see what work has been done on an inventory item ? If I open the item in inventory and go to maintenance page, I can see the history but that is not very good view because it does not really give any meaningfull info unless
See a log of all tasks
We have recurring tasks in our list and want to keep a record of when each task had been executed and by who. Currently I can only see the task itself, not a logbook of executed tasks.
Customisation of Dashboard - Request!
Hi George I'd like to request the ability to customise the dashboard - removing tiles that are not useful to us, moving the tiles around to different priorities and maybe resizing them. I'm sure you get the idea - same as many apps these days. In my opinion,
Tasks, Due vs. Completed Dates
If I want to complete my tasks why do I have to change the due date to the current date. There should be a due date and completion date for each task. That would allow me to see when tasks are completed on time or late.
Happy 2024 & Plans!
Happy New Year 2024 fellow sailors! By now, even the luckiest of us to enjoy a really looong Holiday-season, should be back to our every-day chores. Hopefully, you enjoyed pleasantly the holidays and you recharged fully your batteries (Li-ion, right?!).
Multi-boat and more Subscription-plans!
Ahoy fellow sailors, You talk and we listen to your needs! Following this, we are about to release a major update to introduce Multi-boat within a single account. We are also introducing more paid-plans subscription tiers for you to select which one fits
Happy August! Folders & Sub-folders are here!
Happy August fellow sailors! Summer proves to be quite scorching for Europe and North America and we hope, no matter where you are, that you are doing well and much more enjoying some great cruising. On our side, we keep shipping new features, updates
Happy May! Costs Module, Custom Categories and Locations, and more!
Happy May fellow sailors! Spring is practically here and the Northern-hemisphere boating season is about to kick-off! Aren’t we all happy to leave the mundane city-life and go cruising? You bet we are! So, is your boat in shape for the new season? We
Better Print Options would be helpful
Hi, I am attempting to log all the inventory on our boat. We have 25 storage lockers. I plan to print a binder of the inventory before we go cruising. It would be helpful if we could set up for the correct page sizes in the printing inventory. We use
Search Task by due date range
This is an important request, I would like to search tasks filtering by a time window
Schedule tasks by engine hours
The maintenance tasks I perform are usually required when the engine reaches a certain number of hours - not on a specific date. As a boat owner maintaining his small boat engine, I would like to be able to schedule and sort maintenance tasks by engine
Misc. Fees (Costs categorisation)
How do I track misc. fees like slip fee, bottom cleaning and such. I use existing app to track any and all expenses so I get a accurate cost report at the end of the year.
Fuel calculations
I am a newbie to this app and still learning. How do I get fuel calculations. Where does it track fuel purchases, fuel usage and tell me gph for me to monitor.
Costs, USD vs. VAT/GST
I am using US dollars as my default currency, shouldn’t the GST/VAT fields be greyed out or not visible?
Recurring Costs
I am starting to use the cost module and it looks great. Is there a way to setup a reoccurring cost like slip fees, hull cleaning, subscriptions, chart updates, etc. I have costs that cross months, quarters and annual that I would like to not have to
How do I create a maintenance record? If is tasks then it needs a sub task. I want to be able to creat a maintenance task (record) for electrical, washing, engine, and then add the data and be able to see what are all the maintenance items.
Add new Categories to tasks
How do I add additional new categories to tasks?
I am unable to get checklists to activate in the app. I can see details on my checklists and public checklists I am following but they do not allow me to run them and check off items.
Sign In
The app on my Iphone & IPad both require me to sign in all the time. Is it possible to add biometric sign in to make it quicker and more efficient to sign in.
Hello, I am new to Marine Data Cloud. It seems like it might be a good fit for our new 42' verve that is on it's way. I have already set up my data base and was getting started on my first checklist when I discovered something. I created my list in a
Import-export log from-to excel
Can I import/export log data from excel? If not, will you please add that as a feature? Also, please add the ability to add custom fields. I’m working on getting a 6-pack license, and I need to be able to differentiate inland trips vs trips to the open
I upgraded to Gold Plan ….but I cant add another boat.
Can you please help. Thank you. Greg
Happy 2023! Let’s talk Costs & Boat Maintenance!
Happy New Year 2023 fellow sailors! It is commonly accepted that the last couple of years have been tough ones. Nevertheless, the boating community has been thriving and the best witness of it are the soaring boat sales! Regardless of even cancelled boat
List of documents with full file name
Hi George, I am using files with relatively long file names and your icon view only option does not let me see the full name and identify the file I need to select when linking it to an inventory item. Thank you Armando
Inventory items: show linked documents + image/pdf previews
Currently you can see linked documents only if editing the inventory item, it would make sense to see it also under the "show" option. It would be useful to also have a built in viewer for pdfs and images rather than having to download and open with
Let users configure their default currency in general setup
Can you setup an opportunity for users to set a default currency? I'm putting in spare parts here in the US and it defaults to EUR. I know I'll miss making the change soon. Thanks!
Export Data/import data to CSV
Hi, Any chance there might be an opportunity to add import/export of data. This might be a way to get around some of the forced page formats in the printouts. I'm sure there would be other uses as well. Thanks, Sam
More Links!! Have inventory links in both Tasks and Checklist items
You have tasks to do. A lot of these tasks requires supplies. For example, when winterizing the boat engine, you need oil filter, fuel filter, and cooling water antifreeze. It would be really convenient to have links in the task or checklist item
Mobile v2 Public Beta is Live on Android and iOS!
Mobile v2 Android and iOS Apps have been released! You may download your app from Google Play (Android) and the App Store (iOS). We have to be frank to all of you and convey our apologies for such a looong delay, especially to the Gold users graciously
TheBoatDB v2 is coming up in a few days and we look forward to start hearing about what you think!
Stay tuned and feel free to comment on how it feels & looks and especially what would you like to see getting implemented next.
Is TheBoatApp really for Free? Why so?!
We had received quite some comments whether TheBoatAPP service is indeed provided for free and what the catch might be. Let us settle this. The account creation needs simply your name, a password and a valid email address. No payment-card is required
Calendaring for boat share
Ownership of many boats is syndicated and there are dedicated syndicate management platforms to administer time allocation and cost allocation. But, if the you are going to add a calendaring function for maintenance scheduling you should consider including
Checklists: item hierarchy via indentation or other means (Parent-Child items)
Hello George, happy new year!!!! I was thinking that indentation or other means to introduce organized subsets in the checklists would be very useful. Currently I have a capitalized and underlined title followed by a colon to specify that the following
A few ideas after working on the database for a couple of days
First off, thank you George for the good work. I am excited about such a useful and affordable product. A few ideas that you might be already working on one way or another: - Mobile dashboard: the summary icons on the top should be interactive. I.e. by