FLY to Exotic Destination Vs. SAIL with Friends/Family

FLY to Exotic Destination Vs. SAIL with Friends/Family

Summer is practically here and I look forward to some great sailing ahead! What are your plans and cruising destinations for this summer? I have friends flying over to exotic destinations and fancy 5-star resorts all over the world but I will take a sailboat with a bunch of friends/family, along with some beers and wine, anytime rather than a flying tin-can and any fancy landlubber accommodation! There is no tranquillity to be found on any pre-packed no-boat tour-package, regardless of the exotic destination. On the contrary, there is abundance of tranquillity and quality-time in even a short boat-cruise, on the most modest, and much less than 5-stars, boat with good friends/family! How about you? What is your vacation-time definition and what qualifies or not for you?