Locations & Sub-locations (v2.13.0 - APR 2023)
Locations & Sub-locations Customisation - Catalogue the precise locations where your inventory items reside.
[non-English articles provided by machine translation of the English original]
TheBoatApp provides you with the ability to use Locations & Sub-locations to catalogue the very precise location of each item on your inventory. No more endless searches and wondering where is that spare part that is now needed. You know exactly where you have it and so they know all your sharing fellows.
Since each boat has her own storage spaces, you are provided with the ability to setup your very own locations, customised to fully-fit your own needs. For even greater granularity, sub-locations are also provided in order to make sure that you don’t simply book in general the whereabouts of an inventory item but you do so with laser-focus (e.g. cabin-closet-box-etc).
How to Access the Locations
Within the Inventory add/edit screen, click in the Location field and than click the “Customise locations” button
How to Register & Manage Locations
Add a custom-location: you may add a location you need by simply typing the new location name and clicking the “Add” button to add the new location

Edit a custom-location
To edit a custom-location click the pencil icon on the right-side

Type the new name and click the confirm (check-mark) button on the right-side or the cancel (x-mark)

Delete a custom-location
To delete a custom-location click the trash-bin icon on the right side

A warning will pop-up: “Do you want to delete this location? Doing so will delete this locations from all records where it may have been used. The respective records will remain but this location will be removed from each one”. Confirming this will delete the selected custom-location.
How to Register & Manage Sub-locations
- Add a sub-location: after adding a Location, you will have the ability to add a sub-location for better definition of the exact place where this inventory item is located. To do so, click the “+ Add sub location” button

then, click within the “Sub location 1” field and then click the “Customise sub locations” button

Similarly to adding a location (see above), type the new sub-location name and clicking the “Add” button to add the new sub-location

Add sub-location 2, 3, etc
Similarly, you may add more sub-location levels by using the same “+ Add sub location” button
Add a 2nd Sub-location

Add a 3rd sub-location

...and so on
Edit a sub-location: is done exactly like editing a Location (see above)
Delete a sub-location: to delete a sub-location, click the minus button found on its right side

How to Manage Custom Locations & Sub-locations
After adding a custom location, this appears within the locations drop-down menu and can be selected by clicking on it

After adding a sub-location, this appears within the sub-locations drop-down menu and can be selected by clicking on it

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