Master-boat vs. User-boat: What is What

Master-boat vs. User-boat: What is What

Master-boat vs. User-boat: What is What

Well, you may wonder what’s the fuzz about Master-boat vs. User-boat. Simply put, Master-boat refers to factory and design data and specs while User boat refers to the very specific named vessel of yours!


TheBoatDB has to accommodate many hundreds of data fields for each boat. Most of them are common for a specific boat maker-model-year, which we classify as Master-boat. Typical data fields included here are:

  • Maker

  • Model

  • Year

  • Boat type (sail vs. power)

  • Hull type

  • Hull material

  • LOA

  • …etc


User-boat is actually a Master-boat’s data subset, containing those data uniquely identifying your own vessel! Personalized and Custom data fields are found here such as:

  • Hull serial number

  • Acquisition type (new vs. used)

  • Acquisition date

  • Acquisition price

  • VAT (paid or not)

  • Electric power details

  • Tender details

  • …etc

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