The Operations Log is part of the Logbook. To access it, log in to TheBoatApp, then you may select "Logbook" from the left side menu where two options appear: "Trips" and "All Logs". You have the ability to access Operations logs on either:
Within All-logs: in the logs table you may view all your logs and select to sort them by date or type (e.g. “Operations” logs)
Within a specific Trip: select the respective trip, where you may view the registered Operations logs in the logs table on the bottom of the screen (you may sort the table by “Type”)
Select "Logbook", then “All logs” from the left side menu and then click “+Add Operations Log”. You are now on the Operations Log registration screen that appears on the right. Start filling up the data of the Operations log record you are adding. You may skip some of these fields but make sure to fulfil the mandatory ones, identified by an asterisk
Name: how you wish to identify this operations log record. Better use something descriptive since this name will appear on various lists and reports later on
Boat: the boat which the respective operations log concerns
Date-time: the date and time when the operations activity was performed
Trip: select the trip in which this operations log record occurred (if applicable)
Location: the coordinates or location-name (toponym) where the operations activity was performed. This operates in conjunction with your Location (docking port), found within your boat's Personalised Details, based on the following priorities:
when your device-location is provided (GPS coordinates or IP address resolution has been allowed by you): the map centres on the location provided
when your device-location is not provided (GPS coordinates or IP address resolution has been blocked by you) and the Location (docking port) is set: the map centres on the configured Location (docking port)
when your device-location is not provided (GPS coordinates or IP address resolution has been blocked by you) and the Location (docking port) is nor set: the map centres on London
Type of log: defines the type of the log-record, “Operations” in this case
Notes: anything that might be helpful for you to identify an item, preventive/corrective maintenance info (e.g. procedure), etc. This field is searchable and thus traceable when you are searching for a specific word/number/name contained here (e.g. a name of a technician, some details about a spare part, compatible parts, etc)
Linked inventory: if the operations performed involve a linked inventory, make sure to linked it hereby. You should do so when you either register a purchase to replenish inventory or registering consumption performed (e.g. fuel spent)
Quantity: the linked inventory’s quantity bought or used
Quantity action: select whether the quantity entered above is either
Bought: the quantity entered will be added to the linked inventory's existing quantity. Thus the linked inventory record will be updated showing the new total (i.e. old-quantity + bought-quantity = new-linked-inventory-quantity)
Used: the quantity entered will be subtracted from the linked inventory's existing quantity. Thus the linked inventory record will be updated showing the new total (i.e. old-quantity - used-quantity = new-linked-inventory-quantity
Current usage: the linked inventory’s accumulated usage up to the time of this operations log record (e.g. 2,000 hours of use for an engine, 10,000 litres of use for a water maker, etc)
Amount & Currency: the cost (amount paid). The respective currency is automatically selected based on the user’s General Settings, however you may select manually another currency if needed for just this cost booking
Supplier: the name/brand of the supplier that you bought
VAT/GST rate: the percentage of applicable Value Added Tax (VAT) or Goods & Services Tax (GST). The respective tax amount is calculated and displayed automatically just below this field
VAT/GST incl./excl.: Select whether the VAT/GST is included in the amount entered above or not
Type: select whether the cost refers to goods (i.e. tangible items) or services (e.g. paying a diver for bottom scraping works)
Category: refer to Categories & Customisation tutorial
Files: attach documents/transcripts/photos/videos and any other files relevant to the respective operations log record (e.g. receipts, unboxing/replacing a spare part, etc)
In short, you are advised to include as much info as you can, including uploading any files related to the specific operations log record such as photo(s), invoice/receipt(s), even video(s) about the operation performed (e.g. a filter replacement, a bottom scraping receipt or photo of the work, etc). It may look a bit of extra work for you now but it will come handy for having the full-log of your operations, very helpful to prove diligent operations (including maintenance) either to the authorities and/or insurance agent, in case of a misfortune, or simply to justify your asking price when selling your meticulously maintained boat!
On either Trips or All logs, on the log records table, hover the mouse cursor on a log record date. “Details” appears on its right side and by selecting it you access the edit log record screen where you may edit and change any of the logged record data.