Share your logbook, inventory, tasks, checklists, files, documents data and collaborate effectively!

Sharing (v2.6.0 - SEP 2022)


Sharing - Share data with family, friends, crew; collaborate with co-owners, mechanics, technicians, etc.

[non-English articles provided by machine translation of the English original]

TheBoatApp includes Sharing functionality for being able to share your boat’s data with other users (e.g. friends, family, crew, skipper, marina-staff, technicians, mechanics, etc). They will be able to see what the boat's main user sees (i.e. typically the owner) and, depending on their access rights, they will be able to view-only or collaborate fully by editing too. Similarly, notification alerts for inventory, tasks and other items due, will be sent to sharing recipients too.

How to Access Sharing

Sharing operates at Boat level (sharing all the data records of your boat).
  1. If not already logged in, do so

  2. Click "Boats" on the left-side menu and then click the "Share" button on the boat-card of the boat you wish to share

How to Configure Recipient(s) to Share With

The recipient(s) to receive a shared boat/record can either be already registered user(s) or not. Also, the recipient(s) may be Free/Essentials user(s), getting view-only rights on any boat shared with them or Plus/Pro users getting either view-only or edit rights, as defined by the sharing initiator (boat owner). A boat owner may configure users to share with as follows:

  1. Access Sharing as explained here above

  2. In the “Sharing” pop-up window type the email address of the user with whom you wish to share your boat and select the sharing-rights, whether this user may view-only or edit your data

  1. Click the “Send invitation” button

    1. If the recipient is already registered user, he will receive a notification email for this new share

    2. If the recipient is not yet registered, he will receive an notification to register an account and receive this new share

  2. Similarly, you may at any point change or revoke sharing for any sharing-user, via the same “Sharing” pop-up window

  1. Can view: the sharing-recipient has view-only rights and may not edit nor add/delete any records
  2. Can edit: the sharing-recipient has edit rights
  3. Remove: the removed user does not appear within your Sharing and does not have access to your boat’s data any longer
  4. Resend Invite: you have invited a user to share with and he has not received or misplaced the invite email? No problem. Go ahead and resend it to him

To sum up, the sharing recipient(s) can be any user(s), regardless being paid-plan subscriber or Free,  and there are two scenarios for a sharing recipient to receive a shared boat:
  • Not existing TheBoatApp user: You define the sharing recipient(s) by email address when you configure the share (see No.2 here above, repeat to share with more users). The recipient is receiving a notification email to register an account. The share is activated as soon as the recipient will register his account and log-in. The newly shared boat can be found within his "Boats" module (left-side menu)

  • Existing TheBoatApp user: You define the sharing recipient(s) by email address (see No.2 here above, repeat to share with more users). The recipient is receiving a notification email that he has a new share. Upon a new log-in to his account, the newly shared boat can be found inside his "Boats" module (left-side menu)

Sharing Rights

Sharing can be initiated by Plus/Pro subscribers only. Free/Essentials users may not share their own boat/records with other users, although they may be recipients of boat(s) shared by Plus/Pro subscribers (see below). To put this in better perspective, these are the user-to-user sharing “modes”:

  • Free/Essentials

    • Cannot share own boat with other users

    • Can be recipient of boat shared by Plus/Pro subscribers, being able to view-only, without being able to edit nor add/delete any records

  • Plus/Pro to Free/Essentials

    • Plus/Pro subscribers may share their boat with Free/Essentials users

    • Free/Essentials users have view-only rights on the shared boat/record(s), without being able to edit nor add/delete any records

  • Plus/Pro to Plus/Pro

    • Plus/Pro subscribers may share their boat with other Plus/Pro subscribers

    • Depending on the sharing rights configured by that sharing initiator (boat owner), the recipient may have the following rights:

      • Can view: the sharing-recipient has view-only rights and may not edit nor add/delete any records

      • Can edit: the sharing-recipient has edit rights

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