Why not use my paper or even electronic spreadsheet (Excel) tables?

Why not use my paper or even electronic spreadsheet (Excel) tables?

About tables and spreadsheets, we have all started with Excel (…or even Lotus 1-2-3 back in the ’80s for some old-timers!). Spreadsheets have the huge advantage of being easy to use. Of course it works like a charm in the beginning but as data-fields (call me “columns” in Excel) start getting more and more, having even dependencies from other tables (call me “worksheets” in Excel), things are getting really complicated. To put also insult to the injury, try to get collaboration with others (sharing), include also reminders, and then you need a fully fledged Database. MS Access and the like did the job but, unless you have some IT engineer background, this is heavy staff for the majority of us sailors out there. Who wants to learn programming when what he actually needs is enjoy sailing?!

Apart of the sentimental value of our boats, they are really complex pieces of engineering comprised of many systems, sub-systems and components that they need to be looked after. We all know this well since otherwise you weren’t going to use this so elaborated Excel of yours. Similarly, collaboration is in our genes since ancientry, and technology helps into doing so. In other words, transferring you years-long hard work of Standardisation & Systematisation into a modern data management platform let's you rip the benefits of modern technology, including improved Safety aboard, legal Compliance, Peace of mind, lower operational Cost and a higher Reselling price (see "What do I really get from TheBoatApp? (Value Proposition)" on how this is achievable).

A place for everything and everything in its place!
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