Register & Configure your Boat

Register your Boat (v3.0.0 - OCT 2023)

See also the Register & Configure your Boat video tutorial (v2.6.0, SEP 2022).

Register your Boat

After registering your account and logging in, the next thing to do is register your boat. Does not matter if you own one or just skippering or even just chartering one! Go ahead and register her!

How to Register your Boat

  1. If not already logged in, do so
  1. Click "Boats" on the left-side menu and then click the "Add boat" button

  1. First, type your boat’s manufacturer/model in the search field to add it straight from the database (you'll still be able to customise her the way you want to!)

  1. Select your boat model and click the "Continue" button to proceed with the boat details (If your boat is not found in the database, see the next section here below on how to add her manually)

How to Configure your Boat

  1. After selecting your boat, you are ready to start registering the respective data. Click the “Continue” button to start with the Basic data

  1. Enter Boat Name, Flag (registration country) and built Year. These are mandatory fields. You may also add photos, schematics, plan-views or any other digital files (you can also add these later on)

  1. Click the “Continue” button to proceed to filling up any Personalised details (optional)

Can’t find your boat? Add manually

  1. If you can't find you boat from the database, please click the "Add manually" button (bottom of the screen or the blue-button in the middle) and add your boat details yourself

  1. Click the “Continue” button to ago ahead to start registering your boat’s Basic data

  1. Click the “Continue” button to ago ahead and register your boat’s Specifications (optional)

  1. Click the “Continue” button to ago ahead and register any Personalised details (optional, exactly the same procedure as shown above when adding a boat from the database)

  2. Click the "Finish" button to complete your boat’s manual registration

Boat Status and Licences

How to Delete your or a shared Boat

You may delete your own boat as well as a boat shared with you from another user.

Own boat deletion

  1. Click the “Details” button on the boat-car

  1. Click the three-dots button and then select “Delete

  1. Your boat and all associated records (e.g. inventory, tasks, alerts, documents, etc) will be permanently deleted from your account and all associated data will be irrevocably removed from the database. If you wish to export any data for your own records or transfer any data to other user(s), you have to make sure to do so prior to proceeding with your boat deletion. Should you wish in the future to add a new boat, you should add her anew and likewise re-enter/import any related data. If you acknowledge this, confirm by clicking the “Delete boat” button

Shared boat deletion (i.e. shared by another user with you)

Similarly, as above. You will lose access on this boat and all associated records (e.g. inventory, tasks, alerts, documents, etc). The boat data will remain intact in the database and the boat owner will still have full access on them. Should you wish to regain access, you should contact the boat owner to share the boat anew with you.
  1. Logbook: any logbook trips records will still remain available in your account

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